For country people, who only knew the dismantled tilting groundof Sir Ector's castle, the scene which met their eyes was ravishing.It was a huge green pit in the earth, about as big as the arena ata football match. It lay ten feet lower than the surroundingcountry, with sloping banks, and the snow had been swept off it.It had been kept warm with straw, which had been cleared offthat morning, and now the close-worn grass sparkled green in thewhite landscape. Round the arena there was a world of colourso dazzling and moving and twinkling as to make one blink one'seyes. The wooden grandstands were painted in scarlet and white.The silk pavilions of famous people, pitched on every side, wereazure and green and saffron and chequered. The pennons andpennoncells which floated everywhere in the sharp wind wereflapping with every colour of the rainbow, as they strained andslapped at their flag-poles, and the barrier down the middle of thearena itself was done in chessboard squares of black and white.Most of the combatants and their friends had not yet arrived, butone could see from those few who had come how the very peoplewould turn the scene into a bank of flowers, and how the armourwould flash, and the scalloped sleeves of the heralds jig in the wind,as they raised their brazen trumpets to their lips to shake the fleecyclouds of winter with joyances and fanfares.
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